2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 1.11 这到底是谁?


Who Is This?



马可福音 4:35-41

Mark 4:35-41




—可 4:41

…“Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

— Mark 4:41




对我们来说,大海和风浪是不受我们控制的力量,但对耶稣来说却并非如此。就像神拯救挪亚和他的家人那样,(参创 6-9)神的手也拯救了门徒,在致命的海浪中免于灾难。



While the chaos of a storm threatened the disciples, Jesus slept soundly on a cushion. The disciples were just starting to get to know Jesus, and they wanted him to help. They may have thought he could help with a bucket, but they did not expect him to quiet the overwhelming wind and waves.

With a strong command Jesus overcame the death-threatening storm, rendering the tempest “completely calm.” This certainly relieved the disciples, but it also stunned them into trying to figure out who Jesus was.

Their vital question, “Who is this?” is also ours. We may have expectations for what we’d like Jesus to do and to be, but isn’t it better that we listen to what Jesus says and watch what he does in order to learn about him?

The sea and the wind are uncontrollable forces for us, but not for Jesus. And like Noah and his family (Genesis 6-9), the disciples survive the deadly water by the hand of God.

Do we realize how many ­aspects of life are beyond our control? Wouldn’t we like Jesus to help us deal with them? He is actually in complete control over them, and that could ­either scare us or comfort us.

The more we get to know Jesus, the more his authority over all things should bring us comfort, because we also know that he loves us.

祷告 · Prayer


