2025年02月06日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 12.18 基督徒应该怕死吗?


Should Christians be afraid of death?



哥林多前书 15:20-26

1 Corinthians 15:20-26 




—林前 15:26

The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

—1 Corinthians 15:26



如果你害怕死亡,那就承认吧。使徒保罗称死亡是我们“尽末了的仇敌”。我们被造是为了活着。堕落将死亡带进我们的生命。我们很自然地想要活着,而且一直活下去。所以害怕死亡是很自然的事,死亡是痛苦而可怕的——甚至是恐怖的。然而,耶稣来,就是要释放我们脱离罪和死亡的威胁。祂为我们的缘故,舍弃自己的性命,又从死里复活了,所以“死被得胜吞灭”了。(参林前 15:54)唯有主能除去我们对死亡的惧怕。


While visiting an elderly member of our church, I read the passage in John 14:1-6 where Jesus promises to prepare a place for us. When I was finished reading, she said she did not understand why it should take the Lord so long to get her place ready. She added,"I don't need anything fancy." Instead of being afraid of death, she could not wait to be with the Savior.

But not every Christian faces death without fear. Shortly before he died, my dad asked,"Will God accept me when I die? So much has gone wrong in my life." Someone else asked me,"Will everything be all right when I die?"

If you are afraid of death, be willing to admit it. The apostle Paul calls death "our last enemy." We have been created to live. It was the fall into sin that brought death into our lives. It's natural for us to want to live and keep on living. So it's also natural to fear death, which can be painful and scary—even terrifying. But Jesus came to free us from sin and from the threat of death. He gave up his own life for our sake, and then he rose from the dead, so "death has been swallowed up in victory" (See 1 Corinthians 15:54). Only the Lord can take away our fear of death.

We have the guarantee that even as we near death, we don't have to be afraid because God will be there with us and will take us to live with him!

祷告 · Prayer

主耶稣,感谢祢为我们胜过了死亡。当我们走过死荫幽谷的时候,(参诗 23:4)求祢来陪伴我们。奉祢的名祈求。

