每日灵修 | 12.8 耶稣知道吗?
Does Jesus know?
希伯来书 4:14-16
Hebrews 4:14-16
—来 4:15
We do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses. . .
—Hebrews 4:15
姐夫去世以后,我姐姐说:“我感到非常空虚。我试着和别人解释,但没人理解我的感受。”她说得没错。除非我们失去过配偶,孩子,或亲近的人,否则我们不会知道失去所爱之人的滋味。这就是为什么,在旧约里,约伯抱怨他那些长篇大论的朋友“安慰人,反叫人愁烦”。(参伯 16:2)
当没有人理解或知道我们的感受时,主耶稣知道。如果你感到孤独,不被理解,来向祂倾诉。祂知道你的感受,你的经历。坦然无惧地来到祂面前,告诉祂你的感受吧。当你这样做时,你就会随时“得怜恤,蒙恩惠”。(参来 4:16)
Shortly after her husband died, my sister said, “I feel so terribly empty. I try to explain it, but no one knows just how I feel.” She had it right. Unless we have lost a spouse, a child, or another person close to us, we cannot really know what it is to lose someone we love. That explains why, in the Old Testament, Job complained that his long-winded friends were “miserable comforters” (Job 16:2).
But according to today’s Bible passage in Hebrews, there is Someone who does understand: the Lord Jesus. He came to earth to live our lives from beginning to end. Born as a human being who dealt with all kinds of struggles and challenges just as we do in life, he identified with us—and much more, because he also gave his life so that we can have new life and be reconciled with God. As Hebrews assures us, we have a high priest who can feel what we feel. As The Message puts it, “We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin.”
When no one else understands or knows how we feel, the Lord Jesus knows. If you feel alone and misunderstood, come and talk to him. He knows how you feel and what you have gone through. Come to him boldly, with confidence, and tell him exactly how you feel. And when you do, you will “receive mercy and find grace” in your time of need.
祷告 · Prayer