每日灵修 | 11.16 君王的敬拜
A King Worships
列王纪上 8:22-30
1 Kings 8:22-30

—王上 8:27

"Will God really dwell on earth? …The heavens…cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!"
—1 Kings 8:27
在敬拜时,我们以真正的君王耶稣为中心,我们在祂周围聚集,祂带领引导我们进入真正的敬拜和使命,“使地上的万民都知道惟独耶和华是神,并无别神。”(列上 8:60)事实上,没有任何一座圣殿足祂居住。

Solomon's greatest achievement as king was that he built a temple for the Lord. It was, arguably, the high point in the history of Israel. This was the moment when the people were closest to fulfilling their identity and purpose as a kingdom of people who honored the Lord. By promoting God's character of justice and mercy and giving God all glory in worship, they were becoming like a light to other nations.
Solomon's prayer embodied these essential values. The nation gathered around him. He knelt, modeling a posture of repentance and submission. He recalled the goodness and faithfulness of God to Israel and to his father, David. He pleaded for God to hear their prayers, forgive their sins, and bless and guide their everyday life. This was a rich and beautiful prayer and moment in Israel's history.
But, sadly, Israel's history—and even Solomon's own life—would slide into distraction and disobedience. And in that way the people demonstrated their need for a greater temple and a better king.
When we worship, we do so gathered around the true King at the center: Jesus. He leads and guides us into true worship and mission "so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God and that there is no other" (1 Kings 8:60). No temple can contain him.
祷告 · Prayer