2025年03月12日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.14 在新王统治下的生活


Life Under A New King



撒母耳记下 2:1-7

2 Samuel 2:1-7




—撒下 2:7

"Now then, be strong and brave, for Saul your master is dead, and the people of Judah have anointed me king over them."

—2 Samuel 2:7


在这个决定性的时刻,大卫开始采取行动了,他祷告寻求神的带领,又乐意接受百姓膏立他为他们的王,要记着,神其实早已拣选了他,又告诉撒母耳去膏立他的了。(参撒上 16)现在,大卫的王权已成为事实,先前的应许也成就了,而大卫又施恩给那些从前忠于扫罗的人。藉着大卫,神要使一个动荡的国家团结起来和赐给他们贤能的领导者;神在混乱中带来秩序,在衰退和死亡的时刻中带来新生命。以色列民必定会渐渐忘记扫罗和意识到现在大卫是他们的王了。



Israel is at a precarious moment in their history. They have enemies on all sides. Their first king has just died. They face an internal struggle. Will they descend into chaos or become the nation God has called them to be, a light to the other nations?

At this crucial moment, David steps up. He prayerfully pursues God's leading and welcomes the anointing of the people as their king. Remember, God had chosen him earlier, telling Samuel to anoint him . (1 Samuel 16) So now David's kingship becomes a reality, fulfilling that earlier promise. And David shows graciousness to those who have been loyal to Saul. Through David, God is going to unite a troubled nation and give them good leadership. God is bringing order out of chaos, new life out of a time of degeneration and death. The people of Israel must increasingly be dead to Saul and alive to David as king.

So too, when we trust in Jesus as Lord, we transfer our allegiance from our old degenerate life of selfishness and sin to begin a new life in Christ. We bring our lives under his rule and reign. We proclaim and begin to embody his kingdom.

What does it mean to be a Christian? One way to describe it is to say that we live under a new King. We are loyal to the loving King whom God the Father has given to the world, and we live in the hope and service of his kingdom.

祷告 · Prayer


