2025年02月05日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.12 第一位君王


The First King



撒母耳记上 10:17-24

1 Samuel 10:17-24




—撒上 10:19

"You have now rejected your God … and have said, 'No, appoint a king over us.'…"

—1 Samuel 10:19 


耶和华藉着撒母耳说的话,听起来显示出祂的心差不多被伤透了。(参撒上 8)在耶和华策划之下,藉着掣签的方法,扫罗被拣选作王。当扫罗被选出来后,众人便去找寻他,但他却躲藏起来。从某个角度来看,这个故事竟然在以色列历史中出现,实在令人感到惊讶。



When cultures and nations tell about their first king, the stories are often impressive. Mythical births, epic quests, heroic achievements, and magical ceremonies fit into the mix. But today's passage tells us of the first time Israel gets a king, and the tone is surprising.

The Lord speaks through Samuel and sounds almost heart-broken . (see also 1 Samuel 8) The choosing of Saul as king is orchestrated by the Lord through a method of casting lots. When Saul is chosen and the people look around for him, he is hiding. In a way, it's remarkable that this story is even mentioned in Israel's history.

Who is actually Israel's first king? Israel's first and true king is none other than the Lord. Saul is merely a temporary, earthly stand-in. And so are all the flawed, human kings who come after Saul. There is a tension and paradox in the history of Israel's kings. Should a nation with the Lord as King also seek a human king?

But in this we see God's good, gracious, and long-term plan. Humanity needs God as King first of all. But humanity also needs a human king. The paradox remains a riddle until it is solved in the kingship of Jesus. God sent his Son—fully God and fully human—to be our first and forever King!

祷告 · Prayer


