2025年02月05日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 10.28 凭信心的眼睛看见


Seeing With Eyes Of Faith



创世记 48:1-20

Genesis 48:1-20




—创 48:14

Israel reached out his right hand and put it on Ephraim's head, though he was the younger…

—Genesis 48:14



雅各祝福别人正是出于这种意识。他当然知道,根据当时的文化习俗,长子要获得双倍的家庭祝福。但他剪搭双手,翻转了事情的发展。 约瑟以为父亲糊涂了,但他不是。相反,他已经学习到说,神并不完全按着我们所期待的方式来工作,但这是为我们的益处。

你能和雅各一起说,神是“牧养我直到今日的神”吗?(参创 48:15)祂的恩典有时候会不期然地临到,但祂一直为我们的益处而做工。

As Jacob enters the last days of his life, he has the opportunity to think about what he has learned in a lifetime of encounters with God. He can look back at the pain of life, both from his own sin and from circumstances around him. But he can also look back and see God's faithfulness throughout his life.

This same Jacob had once tried to manipulate life so that only good, and nothing bad, happened to him. He tricked his brother and father, and then later his uncle, into doing things his way. But something has changed now as he looks back. We no longer see a fearful, anxious, grasping man. We see instead an awareness that God has been at work in his life the whole time.

And it is out of this awareness that Jacob blesses others. He, of course, knows the tradition that older sons would receive the greater share of the family blessing. But he crosses his arms to switch things up again. Jacob isn't confused, as Joseph assumes. Rather, he has learned that God doesn't work exactly how we want him to—and that is for our good.

Can you say, with Jacob, that God "has been my shepherd all my life to this day"? His grace may sometimes come unexpectedly, but God will always work for our good.

祷告 · Prayer


