2025年02月06日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 9.27 神的居所


Where God Lives



以弗所书 2:13-22

Ephesians 2:13-22




—弗 2:22

In him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

— Ephesians 2:22



信徒靠着基督同被建造、成为神居住的所在。这个事实正是在基督里的生命的伟大奥秘之一。当祂的儿女奉祂的名聚集一起时,这位随手创造无数星宿的宇宙主宰便与他们同在!当我们的生命被弄得一团糟时,耶稣就站在我们身旁。祂曾对使徒保罗这样说:“我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力是在人的软弱上显得完全”。(参林后 12:9)当神在我们中间居住时,这样的能力就能显明出来了。

As we wrapped up a small-group Bible study one night, I suddenly realized I had been privileged to see Jesus in the lives and hearts of each person in the room. Our little group was beautifully ordinary: a cranky retired schoolteacher, a struggling artist, a discouraged young man, others, and my wife and I, who were navigating our way with three young adopted children. Really? This is where Jesus lives?

I realized that it was in the ordinariness and even the weaknesses of our shared lives that the presence of Jesus shone through. The cranky schoolteacher could be impatient and critical, but beneath her crustiness shone a heart of gold that quietly paid for several needy students to study at a Christian graduate school. The artist stumbled with her words but spoke eloquently with her paintbrush. The young man, who had been abused as a child, had found a safe place to weep openly about his wounds.

The fact that believers in Christ are being built together into a dwelling in which God lives is one of the great mysteries of life in Christ. The Lord of the universe, who flung countless galaxies into being, is present as his children gather in his name! Jesus stands with us in the messiness of our lives. He once said to the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). That’s the kind of power that shows up when God makes his dwelling among us.

祷告 · Prayer


