2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 9.14 受逼迫有福?


Blessings In Persecution?



马太福音 5:10-12; 使徒行传 5:17-42

Matthew 5:10-12; Acts 5:17-42




—徒 5:41

The apostles left…rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

—Acts 5:41




假若我们努力奉耶稣的名去爱周围每一个人,假若我们为破碎的生命哀伤和饥渴慕义,又致力以分享神的平安为目标,我们就与我们这个社会的主流格格不入了。每当我们以基督为主的价值观和生活方式与社会主流抗衡时,逼迫便会出现了。然而,我们受到鼓励,要奉耶稣的名继续去行善,好叫别人看见我们的好行为,便将荣耀归给我们在天上的父。(参太 5:16)这些美好的果效,便会为耶稣的跟从者带来喜乐,我们也可以经历到这种喜乐的。

When we read this story, we might wonder, How could Jesus’ followers in the early church find joy in being persecuted for their faith? And what kinds of persecution do Christians face in our world today?

As we can imagine, persecution was not something that Jesus’ followers wanted. But because they understood that Jesus is God and wants all of us to have full life forever with him, they were willing to stand against authorities who taught otherwise, even if that meant they would be persecuted and perhaps even executed for having faith in Jesus.

In some parts of the world today, Christians still face severe persecution and even death for their faith. And in other societies, where religious freedoms are allowed (as in North America), there can be subtle pressures and persecution as well for people who seek to live for Jesus.

If we seek to love everyone around us in Jesus’ name, if we mourn over brokenness, and we hunger and thirst for righteousness, and we aim to share God’s peace/shalom in every way, we are not going to fit in with the mainstream of society where we live. Persecution can arise wherever our values and lifestyle focus on Christ and contradict the mainstream. But in Jesus’ name we are encouraged to keep doing good so that others will see it and praise our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). Results like these brought Jesus’ followers joy, and we can experience that too.

祷告 · Prayer


