每日灵修 | 9.11 温柔怜悯,清洁的心
Tender Mercy, Pure Heart
马太福音 5:7-12
Matthew 5:7-12

—太 5:7-8

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
—Matthew 5:7-8
数十年前,基督徒歌手Noel Paul Stookey(前Peter, Paul, and Mary乐队的成员)录制了一首名叫“轻柔的手,柔和的眼”("Tender hands, softest eyes") 的歌曲,这首歌美妙地捕捉了耶稣在这里的教导部分。轻柔的手与柔和的眼神成为祝福人的工具,来传递神的恩典。

I find it hard to receive mercy. I beat myself up; I thank God for forgiving me, but I have trouble forgiving myself. I have learned, though, that Jesus invites me into the mercy circle: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”
Jesus is not saying that receiving mercy is a reward for being merciful. Rather, he is teaching us that receiving mercy becomes easier when we are merciful. The acts of receiving and showing mercy strengthen each other. As I share mercy, my own ability to receive mercy and also forgive myself become stronger.
Mercy is like a powerful detergent that purifies our hearts. And as the heart is purified, the eyes learn a new way of seeing. They come to see the presence of God in all kinds of unexpected places. The pure in heart “will see God,” Jesus declares.
With our hands open to receive mercy and a purified heart that refocuses our eyes, we grow to see all the people around us with God’s mercy, and we begin to appreciate how much he loves them, cares for them, and wants full life for them—for all of us!
Decades ago Christian singer Noel Paul Stookey (formerly of Peter, Paul, and Mary) recorded a gentle song called “Tender hands, softest eyes.” It captures some parts of Jesus’ teaching here beautifully. Tender hands and soft eyes become instruments of blessing that transmit the grace of God.
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