2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 9.4 胡桃醌(一种毒素)





马可福音 4:1-20

Mark 4:1-20




—可 4:18-19

“Others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life…choke the word…”

—Mark 4:18-19




耶稣不会挥动魔杖、把我们生命中的挣扎全部清除掉,然而,祂的恩典是足够帮助我们获得医治和得以成长的。祂说:“在世上你们有苦难,但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界”。(参约 16:33)

Are you a person who sees a half glass of water as half full—or half empty? These are two very different ways of looking at life.

When we bought our current home, we started a garden in the backyard. We cut some grass out of the lawn, added fertilizer and other nutrients, turned over the soil, and planted seeds. Though we had done some gardening before, this garden performed terribly.

We tried again the next year, but it didn’t do any better. One day a horticulturalist friend came to visit, and he observed, “You have a walnut grove behind your home. I bet nothing grows in your garden.” So we learned a difficult lesson: walnut trees inject a chemical called juglone into the soil, and that kills the growth of many other plants, including vegetables. Determined to keep trying with our garden, though, we eventually discovered that a raised bed high off the ground works well in our yard.

Juglone helps me understand Jesus’ parable of the four soils. Our hearts are like gardens that need tending, but the soil of our hearts can be hardened or filled with thorns, rocks, and even toxins like juglone. We all have toxins in our lives that can prevent spiritual fruit from growing. Wounds from an old conflict or the effects of a bad decision can run deep, and difficult relationships can seem impossible to sort out.

Jesus doesn’t wave a magic wand and clear away all the struggles we have in life. But his grace is enough to help us heal and grow. He says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

祷告 · Prayer


