每日灵修 | 8.17 耶稣预言祂的死
Jesus Predicts His Death
约翰福音 12:20-36
John 12:20-36

—约 12:27-28

"Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name"…
—John 12:27-28
我们注意到,尽管耶稣有这些感受,祂仍然选择了顺服神。祂不是没有感情地忍受着十字架。祂感受到疼痛——这疼痛远超过我们的想像。尽管耶稣经历了疼痛,祂仍是信实的,祂委身于神救赎我们的计划,委身于修复世界的事工。(参约 3:16)祂对我们的爱是何等伟大!

It's easy for us to know that Jesus is God because of all his miracles. But this episode reminds us of Jesus' humanity. Here, in John 12, Jesus tells the disciples that his soul is “troubled.” He knows the pain that he must endure by dying on a cross—both physically and spiritually—as he bears the weight of all human sin on himself. Thinking about that leaves him feeling troubled.
How does this feel to us as readers? What does it say to us that Jesus experienced a moment of weakness like this?
As one who is fully God, Jesus absorbed all the sin we have done and will ever do, in order to cleanse us completely. He is the one, final sacrifice for the payment of sin—and that is only possible because he is fully God.
But because he is also fully human, Jesus experienced emotion, a troubled soul, and even deep questions. At this moment, and in others like it, we see the depth of God's love for us revealed in a new way.
Notice that in spite of these feelings, Jesus remained obedient. He did not stoically bear the cross without feeling. It hurt—far more than we can imagine.And yet in spite of the pain, Jesus remained faithful, committed to God's mission of redeeming us and restoring the world .(John 3:16) How great is his love for us!
祷告 · Prayer