每日灵修 | 8.5 扭转错误
Making Wrongs Right
约翰福音 2:13-25
John 2:13-25

—约 2:15

So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.
—John 2:15
我们做耶稣的门徒,乃是蒙召将神放在我们生命的第一位,并为邻舍谋福祉。(参太 22:37-40)但是,我们仍会为罪挣扎。我们仍需要被纠正,甚至有时需要被责备。在那些时刻,耶稣可能会为了引起我们的注意,甚至对我们说严厉的话,使我们不再关注自己。祂要使我们更加像祂。

In this story about Jesus clearing the temple courts, we have a picture in which Jesus is upset and seems to be angry. Does this fit with the way you normally think of him?
Vendors are defiling the temple area during the Passover festival, and that is a problem for a couple of reasons. For one thing, they are selling animals in a space where people are supposed to be able to pray.
Another concern is price gouging. Animal sacrifices are required for the festival, and it can be difficult for travelers to bring animals a long distance. So the merchants are maximizing profits by charging the travelers high prices for their animals.
All of this makes Jesus rightly upset. But this is not without purpose, and it does not mean he is out of control. Instead, Jesus is purifying a holy space and protecting people from exploitation. He is taking on something wrong and setting it right.
As we seek to be followers of Jesus, we are called to put God first in our lives and to seek our neighbors' well-being (see Matthew 22:37-40). But we continue to struggle against sin. We still need to be corrected and even rebuked at times. In those moments Jesus may need to get our attention, or even speak a hard word to us, to shake us out of focusing on ourselves. He's making us more like him.
祷告 · Prayer