每日灵修 | 8.2 神与我们同在
God With Us
约翰福音 1:6-14
John 1:6-14

—约 1:14

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us...
—John 1:14
在教会里,我们称之为道成肉身:神来了,以肉身居住在我们中间。宇宙的神降生为一个需要帮助的人类婴孩,在公元一世纪加利利(参路 2)的一个小镇上,由不为人知的普通人抚养长大。这个孩子,耶稣,为了我们的缘故,来受苦,受死,又复活了。

John is writing this book to clarify who Jesus is. In the years soon after Jesus' ministry, some people doubted that Jesus was actually God. They argued that he was merely a prophet, or a teacher, or perhaps even a person who was out of his mind.
So here John spells out some important things. Jesus, the one and only Son of God, is fully God, and he came to live among us and with us.
In the church we call this the incarnation: God came to live among us in human flesh. The God of the universe came to be born as a helpless human baby, and he was raised by relatively unknown, ordinary people in a small town in first-century Galilee. (Luke 2) This child, Jesus, came to suffer, die, and rise to life again for our sake.
If the Christian story is a new story to you, you might wonder why the almighty, all-powerful God would do this. Why leave heaven and go to so much trouble for us? We might have expected God just to create the world and then step back, leaving people to figure things out for themselves.
Instead, God became one of us because he loves us and wants to be in relationship with us.
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