2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.31 稳固的产业


A Secure Inheritance



民数记 36

Numbers 36




—民 36:9

"...No inheritance may pass from tribe to tribe, for each Israelite tribe is to keep the land it inherits."

—Numbers 36:9

耶和华带领以色列民离开埃及时,他们怀着一个盼望,现在他们的盼望已经成为事实了:他们已经得到产业,而西罗非哈的女儿也蒙恩承受了她们父亲的产业,(参民 27)后来,又有另一个问题出现了:西罗非哈的女儿如果嫁了另一支派的男人,她们的产业应归谁呢?哪一个支派可以承受她们的地呢?


在我们走过生命的旷野时,我们必须记着,我们的产业正在等待我们去领取。与基督一起的永远生命快要来临了,我们当中有些人会早些得到,有些则要迟些才得到。然而,不论等多久,我们必定会得到在基督里的产业。耶稣曾经应许过我们,没有人能从祂手里把我们夺去。(参约 10:28)保罗也告诉我们,那在我们心里动了善工的,“必成全这工,直到耶稣基督的日子”。(参腓 1:6)


The book of Numbers ends with what Israel had hoped for when the Lord brought them out of Egypt: gaining an inheritance. The daughters of Zelophehad were graciously given the inheritance of their father. (Numbers 27)And then a new question arose: What would happen to their property if they should marry a man from another tribe? Which tribe would inherit the land?

The Lord's solution was that no inheritance should pass from one tribe to another. Each tribe was to retain the land that God had given. In this way, no family or tribe would lose their inheritance.

As we make our way through the wilderness of life, we have to remember that our inheritance is waiting for us. Eternal life with Christ is coming. Some of us will receive that sooner, and others will receive it later. But no matter how long we have to wait, our inheritance in Christ is sure. Jesus promises that no one can snatch us out of his hand. (John 10:28) Paul tells us that the one who began a good work in us "will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" .(Philippians 1:6)

Like Israel, we find ourselves between deliverance and our final inheritance—between the cross and full life forever with God. But God is with us in the wilderness—now and always.

祷告 · Prayer


