2024年05月20日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.28 神圣的不满足


Holy Discontent



民数记 32:1-27

Numbers 32:1-27




—民 32:17

"We will arm ourselves for battle and go ahead of the Israelites until we have brought them to their place…"

—Numbers 32:17




我们能否做到一方面为我们所拥有的感恩,同时也更深渴慕基督呢?可以的,我们只要记着,耶稣已经拥有天上一切的荣耀——但祂却为我们倒空自己。耶稣舍弃了天上的荣华成为一无所有,好叫我们在祂里面得到富足。(参腓 2:1-11)赞美神!

The promised land was just across the Jordan River, but the land on the near side of the ­river looked good for grazing. So the tribes of Reuben and Gad petitioned Moses to let them settle in that area. In doing so, they faced the temptation of settling in a place determined by their possessions rather than by the Lord's promise. When Moses challenged them, the tribes of Reuben and Gad agreed to go with the others across the Jordan to conquer the land.

Settling down and being fulfilled merely with the things around us is so tempting. The more we have, the easier it is to focus solely on this life. Rather than keeping our eyes on the promises of God, we tend to see the things around us and be satisfied with them.

Christian faith is marked by a holy discontent with earthly treasures. That's easy when things are difficult. But as Chris­tians, we need to long for Christ and his kingdom even when things are good, because we know Jesus is the greatest treasure.

Can we be thankful for what we have while also longing for Christ? Yes, by remembering that Jesus had all the glories of heaven—and yet he emptied himself for us. He gave up the riches of heaven and became poor so that we might be rich in him. (Philippians 2:1-11)Praise God!

祷告 · Prayer

父啊,求祢帮助我们,切勿爱地上的财宝多过爱祢。祢把独生爱子赐给我们,(参约 3:16)我们敬拜祢。奉耶稣名祈求,阿们。

