2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.23 再次数点人数?


More Numbers?



民数记 26:1-4, 51, 63-65

Numbers 26:1-4, 51, 63-65




—民 26:2

"Take a census of the whole Israelite community by families—all those twenty years old or more…"

—Numbers 26:2


第一,神教导我们,我们需要祂的恩典。这是民数记第二次记载数点人数了,因为当时已经有了新一代的人,上一代的人已经死在旷野,因为他们不信靠神引领他们进入应许之地,而由于以色列民与摩押人犯的罪,(参民 25)很多新一代的人近期也已经丧命。如果你比较一下两次数点人数所得的数目,你会看到各支派的人数有增加的,也有减少的,西缅支派减少了37,000男丁——他们可能首当其冲承受了神因以色列民与摩押人犯奸淫而发的怒气。我们像他们一样,都犯了罪,都需要神的恩典。


论到数目时,一位苏格兰牧师Robert Murray McCheyne(1813-43)曾劝喻我们说:“每当你看自己一眼时,你便应当仰望基督十次。” 这是何等大的激励。

I'm not a numbers person. Maybe you're not either. For some of us it can be hard to read a chapter full of numbers like the one in our reading for today. But God has some important lessons here for us.

First, God teaches about our need for his grace. This is the second census in Numbers because a new generation was on the scene. One generation had died in the desert because the people had not trusted God to take them into the promised land. And many from this new generation had also died recently because of Israel's sin with Moab (Numbers 25). If you compare the numbers from one census to the other, you will see that some tribes increased and some decreased. The tribe of Simeon lost over 37,000 men—perhaps they took the brunt of God's wrath for Israel's adultery with Moab. Like them, we all have sinned and need God's grace.

Second, this census shows that God is faithful. Even though one whole generation died, the total number of those counted was only about 1,800 less than in the first census. God was faithful to his promise to give Abraham numerous descendants. When we fail, we need to remember that God doesn't. The Lord is rich in grace to all who call on him.

When it comes to numbers, a Scottish pastor, Robert Murray McCheyne (1813-43), had this advice: "For every look at [your]self, take ten looks at Christ." What a great encouragement!

祷告 · Prayer


