每日灵修 | 7.22 罪恶无休止的攻击
Sin's Relentless Attack
民数记 25
Numbers 25

—民 25:3

So Israel yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor. And the LORD's anger burned against them.
—Numbers 25:3
在这个故事中我们看到,以色列民受到的咒诅和瘟疫,是咎由自取的。在民数记31章16节,我们知道以色列民的敌人这样引诱他们,原来是出于巴兰(也可以参看民数记22-24章)的计谋。于是,以色列的男人与摩押的女子行淫和跪拜她们的神, “ 耶和华的怒气就向以色列人发作。”
你认为你在哪方面最脆弱?你在什么地方受到试探? “ 你们要靠着主,倚赖祂的大能大力” 。(参弗 6:10)到耶稣那里求助吧。

In this story we see that Israel brings a curse and plague on itself. And in Numbers 31:16, we learn that it was Balaam (see also Numbers 22-24) who advised their enemies to seduce the Israelites in this way. So the men of Israel fell into sexual relationships with the women of Moab and bowed down to their gods. "And the LORD's anger burned against them."
This story reminds us that if sin is not able to get a foothold in one area of our life, it will try to lodge itself in another. We have enemies that relentlessly attack us, such as the devil, the world, and our own sinful nature. They will not stop. When we're spiritually strong in one area, they look for a weakness in another area.
To resist these attacks, we need to be vigilant and humble. We need to be alert to sin's power and the devil's schemes. We need to know our weaknesses. And we need to cry out to God for help. For Israel, the action of Phinehas the priest brought atonement for the people's sin. For us, Jesus has become our faithful High Priest. His blood atones for our failures, and his intercession secures our Father's favor.
Where do you feel vulnerable? Where are you tempted? "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power" (Ephesians 6:10). Go to Jesus for help.
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