2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.19 一望就得活


Look And Live



民数记 21:4-9

Numbers 21:4-9




—民 21:8

The LORD said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.

—Numbers 21:8


以色列民也不喜欢蛇。以色列民抱怨神之后,他们当中很多人被火蛇咬死。蛇通常在旷野出没,但它们也可以被视为能力的象征。以色列民埋怨说他们在埃及时比现在还好,或许有些人因此留意到蛇象征埃及的能力,因为蛇时常都在埃及王的皇冠上出现的。所以,人们认为神使火蛇出现,祂或许在说:“你们真的想回到法老王的痛苦、置人死地的权势下吗?埃及难道比这里更好吗?” 当然,蛇也会提醒我们伊甸园中欺哄人的那条蛇。(参创 3)


在约翰福音三章十四节至十五节中,耶稣说:“摩西怎样在旷野举蛇,人子也必照样被举起来,叫一切信他的都得永生。” 耶稣在十字架上被举起来,好叫我们得赦免和医治。你有没有信靠祂、好叫你也得拯救呢?

Some people like snakes, but a lot of us don't. We see them as dangerous and even sneaky and suspicious.

Israel didn't like snakes either. Poisonous snakes caused many of the Israelites to die after grumbling against God. Snakes commonly live in the wilderness, but they can also be seen as a symbol of power. Perhaps because Israel complained that they were better off in Egypt, some people have noted that snakes were a symbol of the power of Egypt, for they were often displayed on the crowns of Egypt's kings. So people have suggested that in sending venomous snakes, maybe God was saying, "Do you really want to go back to Pharaoh's stinging, deadly power? Is Egypt better?" Of course, snakes can also remind us of the deceiving serpent in Eden (Genesis 3).

What's surprising is that God's cure for Israel was to look at a bronze snake lifted up on a pole. By doing that, Israel was looking in faith to the Lord's power to heal. Only God could cure, and the people needed to look to him with eyes of faith.

In John 3:14-15, Jesus said that "just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up," that whoever believes in him "may have eternal life." Jesus was lifted up on the cross so that we can be forgiven and healed. Are you trusting in him so that you can be saved?

祷告 · Prayer


