2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.16 生了花苞的杖


The Staff That Budded



民数记 17

Numbers 17




—民 17:8

…Aaron's staff…had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds.

—Numbers 17:8

这是一个超自然和令人难以置信的征兆。神说:“我所拣选的那人,他的杖必发芽。” 一根没有生命的手杖竟然会起死回生!


亚伦的杖是一个征兆,它表明亚伦的家族已蒙神拣选担任祭司的职份——为神的子民献祭给神和向神祷告,亚伦的杖也指向将来要降临的奇妙大祭司耶稣。亚伦的杖不但发了芽,它更结了熟杏,这根杖看起来很像会幕中那有叶子和杏花图案的灯台,(参出 25:31-36)而灯台则预表耶稣是世界的光。(参约 8:12)亚伦的杖是恩典的征兆,它代表神与祂的子民同在,并且赐他们亮光和生命。

像亚伦的杖那样,耶稣也生长“如嫩芽,像根出于干地”。(参赛 53:2)祂是最伟大的主仆,祂更成为我们最伟大的大祭司。(参来 9-10)当来赞美神,因为我们的神在基督里与我们同在,在基督里拯救我们。

It was a miraculous, incredible sign. God said, "The staff belonging to the man I choose will sprout." A dead stick would come to life!

One staff from each tribe, including Aaron's staff for the tribe of Levi, was placed before the Lord in the tabernacle. And by the next day, Aaron's staff had not only sprouted, but it had also budded, blossomed, and grown almonds. It had gone through all the stages of fruitfulness.

Aaron's staff was a sign that his family was chosen by God to do the work of priests—offering sacrifices and prayers to God for the people. Aaron's staff also pointed ahead to the coming of our great High Priest, Jesus. Aaron's staff not only sprouted but also grew almonds. It looked a lot like the lampstand in the tabernacle with its leaves and blossoms (Exodus 25:31-36), and the lampstand was a sign pointing to Jesus as the light of the world (John 8:12). Aaron's staff was a gracious sign that God was with his people to give them light and life.

Like Aaron's staff, Jesus grew up "like a tender shoot, like a root out of dry ground" (Isaiah 53:2). He was the ultimate Servant of the Lord, and he became our ultimate High Priest (Hebrews 9-10). Praise God that in Christ our God is with us to save.

祷告 · Prayer


