每日灵修 | 6.23 永恒的产业
Eternal Inheritance
希伯来书 9:15-22
Hebrews 9:15-22
—来 9:15
For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance.
—Hebrews 9:15
《希伯来书》告诉我们,因着耶稣的死,“便叫蒙召之人得着所应许永远的产业。” 这一产业就是之前我们在五章九节听到的“永远得救”,和九章十二节里的“永远赎罪”。
为了让某人得到产业,需要一个人死去。为了让我们得着“所应许永远的产业”,耶稣为我们死了。把产业和死连在一起并不是新约独有的观点。旧约中也有死:所献祭牲的死。现在基督为我们死了,祂用祂的血立了新约,好使我们得着“所应许永远的产业。”(参来 9:15)
When we think of an inheritance, we usually think about something a person receives from a relative or friend who has died. The inheritance is given as part of the deceased person’s last will and testament.
Hebrews tells us that as a result of Christ’s death, “those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance.” This inheritance is the “eternal salvation” and “eternal redemption” we heard about earlier in Hebrews 5:9 and 9:12.
Some people have described the “new covenant” in Christ in terms of a “last will and testament.” In some ways the language used here in Hebrews sounds like that of a last will and testament, especially when it talks about an inheritance.
In order for someone to receive an inheritance, a person has to have died. For us to receive “the promised eternal inheritance,” Jesus died for our sake. The idea that inheritance is tied to death is not only for the new covenant. In the old covenant there was also death: the death of sacrificed animals. Now that Christ has died for us, he has established the new covenant in his blood so that we can receive “the promised eternal inheritance.”
Think of it! Because of Jesus’ death for our sake, we have eternal life with him as our inheritance. And in Christ that new life begins even now!
祷告 · Prayer