每日灵修 | 6.5 托住万有
Sustaining All
希伯来书 1:1-4
Hebrews 1:1-4
—来 1:3
…Sustaining all things by his powerful word…
—Hebrews 1:3
这一点有力地提醒我们神在掌管。《海德堡要理问答》教导我们该如何回应这个真理:我们可以在患难中忍耐,在顺境中感恩;对于将来临到我们的一切, 能坚定地信靠信实的天父上帝,任何受造物都不能使我们与祂的爱隔绝。因为万物都在祂的手中,祂若不许,它们动也不能动(《海德堡要理问答》第28问)。
If you are holding the printed booklet of these Today devotions in your hands, notice that the pages are all held together by a couple of staples so that the booklet doesn’t fall apart. If you are reading digitally, imagine a book held together by its binding. This is the image we have of Christ; he is holding all things together.
Earlier this week we focused on Christ as the maker of all things. And here we note that he is holding it all together.This image is powerful. In Christ all things were made, and through Christ all things are sustained and held together. God did not create all things and then leave them be. Through Christ, all things are being sustained and held together.
This serves as a powerful reminder that God is in control. The Heidelberg Catechism helps us see how we can respond to this: “We can be patient when things go against us, thankful when things go well, and for the future we can have good confidence in our faithful God and Father that nothing in creation will separate us from his love” (Q&A 28).
Whenever life seems to be going out of control, we have this assurance that God is holding everything together. Find rest and peace in knowing that Christ is “sustaining all things by his powerful Word.”
祷告 · Prayer